one ocean.
one objective.
is a single-issue coalition made up of environmental, fishing, and community organizations as well as Tribal Nations. Our mission is to protect the oceans, the Great Lakes, and nearby communities from the negative impacts of industrialization by offshore-wind "farms" and the nearshore and onshore infrastructure necessary to support and deliver electricity to the grid. We work to educate the public,to mobilize affected communities, dialogue with government officials, engage the media, and strategically litigate to end the threat of offshore wind proliferation.
Because destroying the
ocean to save the planet

The need to
industrialize our
oceans and coastal communities to accommodate offshore wind has been vastly oversold to the public.
In a world​ where energy use is skyrocketing and perceived climate/global warming issues are at the forefront of worldwide awareness, the public and our respective governments need to make logical and environmentally responsible energy production choices. In the scramble to replace current energy production sources with "green and sustainable" technologies our government has mistakenly encouraged and subsidized the proliferation of offshore wind farms. The need to industrialize our oceans and coastal communities to accommodate offshore wind has been vastly oversold to the public.It is a technology that will not positively impact climate change or global warming according to the federal agency BOEM, but WILL, in the process of developing wind farms along our coasts, negatively impact our Oceans, and our coastal communities. Offshore wind has proven to be an inefficient and variable source of power and is the most expensive energy source to produce ... not a good solution for our nations energy needs. NOOA, as a national coalition recognizes the negative impacts to our planet, our communities and our economy from the proliferation of offshore wind, and is dedicated to ending the siting, building and operating of all offshore wind projects in the United States. We are taking a hard line position on the industry for logical and verifiable reasons and have data and information to share with the public to support our stance of